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Showing posts from January 19, 2020

Global Climate Strike Action

In line with the Global Climate Strike. We support Climate Change Goal 13 of the Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nation Vision 2030. Government need to put more effort on climate change as it of important to human race. Tree planting should be encourage to reduce Carbon Dioxide emissions. Indeed Heyik international School Kakuri have being a great Partner working in the Advocacy for Climate Change. God bless Mr. Sam Sam Tension'theory Yumar for his leadership in advocating for climate change. #ClimateStrike #MotherEarthProject #LeadersArePolicyMakers #PlantMoreTrees

SDGs for the Universities

TODAY at Federal College of Education Zaria as a Panelist on SDGs4Universities and how well can a Nigerian Undergraduate participate in achieving the Sustainable development goals of the United United Nations Association of Nigeria. Thank you Sekinat Sakinat Bello and Muhammad Shamsuddin Ibrahim for this privilege solely appreciate together we can do more. The SDGs is a Vision 2030 of the UN that fit in any of your Passion as a workplay in transforming our world. #UN #SDGs #ClimateActions #LeaderMakingImpact #StartMakingSense 1st Oct 2019 Independent Day Celebration In Celebration of the Independence Open Leadership organized a strategic meeting with Christopher Enojoh Obey to redefine Leadership. Indeed Never blame any political leader or leaders but ask yourself what's there definition of leadership? Do they have Vision Purpose Principle interest of the Citizens And Passion in there leadership definition or it about just ...

Open Leadership Online Programs 2019

2019/2020 Successful Programs OpenLeadership

Drugs Abuse Awareness/Prevention Using Sport as a Strategy. I was invited unbehave of SSDP Students for Sensible Drug Policy to give a five minutes talk on "THE LONG TERM EFFECTS OF DRUG ABUSE" on 15th November before the match starts at GSS Narayi Kaduna. And guess what Boom 2Minutes was enough to get their mindset going to #StartMakingSense I told a story of a Man who Mix Red Bull Alcohol with Coffee drink in place of Water and after 15Minutes he found himself driving and when he got to his destination he realize he left his Car at Home. Question? What was he driving for the period of 15Minutes... If you think Drugs i mean drug abuse and substance abuse is cool continued but if you think it not ethical stop it and engage in Sport. What look nice and trending may and will Kill you in the Long run and the same those who ginger you will fall your swag when the worse hit you down. #Live responsible #SayNoToAbuse #OpenLeadership Be Strategic ...

2019 Update for Night of a Thousand Words 2

Two great Speakers Effy Johnson VS Christopher Enojoh Obey. Life is a Process by Effy what a wonderful hit point that created a flow. Vision is a seed that needs you to nurture to maturity. Vision is a weight upon every individual. Until you reach your destination you can't receive a reward for your commission. The weight of your vision determines the strength of your mission. Vision is a Seed to be Nurture to become mature. Wow what a great piece on stage today. At Night of a Thousand Words Season 2. #Openleadership #NighNightOfThousandWords

SDGs 4/ World Aid Day

Leaders take Good Care of themselves. As a Leader your mind can picture big stuffs, it can sight big dreams, it can virtually touch great things but if your body is weak you go no where to achieve all this dreams and Vision. So take good care of your self as you run the Race in your Space. #WorldAidDay #Openleadership

SDGs Climate Actions, Drugs Abuse Prevention program etc